?Welcome exam help the Knockout Rounds!”The Voice” has added yet an alternate new creation exam help the show, where the coaches pair up their singers instant examination help perform exam help song of their choice quiz help instantly send one home. Pressure much?First two exam help face the knockout rounds were Joselyn Rivera quiz help Kayla Nevarez, who both have exam help pop star sound which left Adam only desiring one exam help improve. Rivera killed in exam help long way, needless to say Beyonc’s “Love on Top” by hitting all of the challenging notes, while Nevarez gave exam help just a little more melodic rendition of “Shark in the Water” by V V Brown. And though Nevarez’s adjustments is what Adam wanted, he decided exam help keep Rivera. Adam put Joe Kirkland quiz help Bryan Keith against one another they even have exam help similar sound are you beginning examination help see exam help sample here?. Kirkland went with “Mean” by Taylor Swift while Keith went with exam help classic, “Everything I Do I Do It for You” by Bryan Adams.