And that’s Chris. “Dec. 27, 2012 ?A bird listening exam help birdsong may experience some of a similar feelings as exam help human listening examination help music, indicates exam help new study on white throated sparrows, published in Frontiers of Evolutionary Neuroscience. “We found that an analogous neural reward system is activated in female birds in the breeding state which are listening examination help male birdsong, quiz assist in people listening exam help music that they like,” says Sarah Earp, who led the research as an undergraduate at Emory University. For male birds listening exam help another male’s song, it was exam help alternative story: They had an amygdala reaction that looks identical exam help that of individuals once they hear discordant, disagreeable music. The study, co authored by Emory neuroscientist Donna Maney, is the first examination help evaluate neural responses of listeners in the long status debate over whether birdsong is music.