An interview with the Project Manager of this assignment who has 17 years of adventure in development industry was carried out. The Project Manager claimed that they don’t imply risk management because they are not looking for examination help spend time doing an evaluation on the project risks as they feel there is another crucial work that needs more attention. In this assignment, risk management is not the accountability of the project manager, but it’s the duty of the security officer of the project. Safety Department will also take actions examination help handle risks only when there are admonitions made by the local authority officials. Despite giving these responsibilities examination help the Safety Department of the project, there are interestingly no proper tools or strategies applied for risk management. However, the Project Manager discussed that they use guidelines quiz help instructions that experience been certified by ISO 9000, quiz help since checklist is one of the crucial risk control strategies, it suggests that they’ve employed some risk management ideas unwittingly. It offers 30,000 merchandise in the store quiz help serves around 19 million customers in exam help week as of March 2007. It can be argued that option quiz help engineering approach rest on definite assumptions about people which are communicated exam help new employees of the association during the practice of recruitment, alternative quiz help job placement. Some of those assumption reject certain emotional quiz help social needs that can personnel brings with him, leaving him in the condition of having examination help find satisfaction either in informational association or if this is not possible, outside the organization, the end result is that he becomes either alienated from the association or passively resistant exam help it. This is not examination help say that selection strategies of organization should hence be abolished quiz help replaced by other methods which may be less efficient. The businesses should recognize the penalties in their own strategies quiz help practices, quiz help decide no matter if exam help use them partly on the idea in their willingness examination help accept these consequences. So, ineffective recruitment quiz help alternative procedure will long last with the unsuccessful functionality of the organization quiz help as well as unsuccessful non-public achievements of the worker too.