Case A: Traditional classroom type of teaching using Power Point slides, quiz help white/blackboard is hired. The teacher does lots of the speaking quiz help scholars listen passively. At the end of the study, scholars take exam help quiz. Case B: The teacher uses props exam help describe different ideas. Students listen, are inspired exam help ask questions, quiz help see quiz help touch the model prop quiz help then take the test at the top of the lecture. Case C: The teacher introduces the topics of dialogue quiz help asks scholar examination help discover the subject matter. The elements mentioned in the essay are interconnected among the academics, the educational quiz help social lifetime of scholars, the culture quiz help ethnicity of both the scholars quiz help lecturers quiz help also the linguistic issues. In end, English language is exam help language when combined with deeper understanding of Linguistics quiz assistance is instilled in exam help instructor quiz help if taught correctly examination help scholars, the students in turn will have exam help proper type of linguistic attention without any sort of humiliation while communicating quiz help writing in English Language regardless of the countries assorted social, ethnic quiz help linguistic backgrounds. Abdullah, M. H. , Subramaniam, A. P.